Tips to prevent sore feet whilst traveling
Sort out your feet before you leave. Have any corns, callouses or irritating nails attended to avoid any blisters or infections while you are travelling. You won’t want to have sore feet prevent you from experiencing the all day sight seeing tours you have booked.
Support stockings during long flights – when you’re sitting upright and are inactive for a long period of time the blood is having difficulty getting pumped to the heart. You may experience leg muscle pain after a long flight, swelling around the feet and ankles or may even increase your risk of blood clot formation in your legs. Compression stockings/tights can assist in preventing swelling and improve blood return. Foot and leg exercises are also recommended.
Footwear does make a difference on how your legs and feet feel on a daily basis. Before you go, allow enough time to break in any new shoes. Buying new shoes immediately prior to traveling can be a poor move.
Orthaheel thongs can be a supportive summer alternative, in combination with a supportive walking shoe or runner). Comfort is important. Hobbling around with blisters and in pain is not attractive, no matter how cute the shoe looks! If you are unsure whether the shoe is right for your foot, see your podiatrist well in advance to your trip.
Make sure you have plenty of socks and possibly a few high-quality pairs that help prevent blisters and tinea (e.g. Thorlo. Experia, X-socks, Lightfeet and others), these socks help to wick away moisture from your feet and help with protection from pressure points on the feet.
Blister management – blisters are due to friction from poorly-fitting footwear, socks, bony prominences and foot function. Additionally, moisture due to perspiration can often make the skin weak and more prone to blisters. Identify and tape “hot spots” to reinforce the skin. Try to always carry some dressings like band-aids or 2nd skin and antiseptic for minor injuries. Another favourite product of ours is a silicone toe sleeve, which can protect the toes from pressure caused by footwear or adjacent toes.
Foot hygiene – to avoid tinea (athlete’s foot) and warts (Verrucas), take a pair of thongs to wear in public bathrooms and around the pool and also be sure to wear clean socks every day. Ventilate your shoes by placing them in the window or out on the balcony of the hotel room.
Rest. If the foot pain is severe and you are blistering from toe to ankle, then it’s time to listen to your body and get off your feet and enjoy a coffee!
Contact us on 1300 847 226 or make an appointment online to speak with one of our friendly podiatrists about preventing sore feet before you head off on your trip.
Happy traveling!